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Meet Dr. Philip Mahan

Dr Phillip photo“When I was 18 I was attacked and stabbed in the chest, with the blade piercing my lung and heart.” After having his life saved at the hospital, Dr. Mahan went home to recuperate and was left with numbness and tingling down his left arm. He couldn’t play his guitar or even lift a jug of milk!

“I had a friend whose dad was a chiropractor and gave me my first experience with chiropractic care. After an evaluation, he was able to re-align the joints in my neck and upper back, and I regained the full use of my left arm.”

Making North Carolina Home

Dr. Mahan made trips down to his home state of Florida while attending college, and would stop to see his older brother who lived in North Carolina. “I fell in love with this beautiful state and community and knew I wanted to live and practice here.” In 2000 Dr. Mahan and his Wife Catherine moved their family from Charlotte to Lexington to open the office together.

Dr Philip adjusting patient

Changing Careers to Change Lives

Dr. Mahan was so amazed at the body’s ability to heal itself without drugs or surgery that he changed his college program from pre-med to pre-chiropractic at the University of Minnesota. After graduating, Dr. Mahan went onto Northwestern University of Health Sciences to complete his doctorate in chiropractic.

In addition to his degrees, Dr. Mahan holds certifications in Acupuncture and is a Certified Chiropractic Extremity Practitioner (C.C.E.P.) – the only one in our area!

Outside the Office

When he’s not in the office, you’ll find Dr. Mahan at home spending time with Catherine and their kids Alexa and Trevor. Together they help out with their sports and activities events, including Playing Music, dance, hiking and creating artwork. Dr. Mahan also loves to cook healthy, delicious food. Please feel free to ask him how you might improve the nutrition for your family while making it yummy.

Book Today

I’d love to talk to you about natural health solutions and what you can do to help your body along the path to health. Contact South Main Chiropractic today!


Dr. Philip Mahan | (336) 243-8000